Employer: sections

Experience Area: Multimedia

Coming soon! For now a summary of this information is available on my printable resume.

Over time I hope to drift more into multimedia production, especially as it relates to instruction.  As I accumulate more experience and professional samples, I’ll mention them here. Here are some of the places where I “got my feet wet.”

Workshops Attended: Sound design for your video project, Documentary filmmaking, Shooting HD Video

Tools used: Audacity (for basic editing), Levelator.

Scriptwriting: I’ve written 2 scripts for  video shorts. Also, I’ve written short scripts for the Captivate demos I produced at my last job.

Multimedia Demos with Adobe Captivate

    Experience Area: Writing/Blogging

    High Level Overview (Detailed)

    Specific Projects

    Experience Area: Multimedia

    Experience Area: Technology/Manufacturing

    For a complete and succinct description of my work experience, check my resume and writing samples. Also, a chronological job history is available on my linkedin profile page.


    Software Industry/ IT Departments

    General (How I work)

    Experience Area: Instructional

    This is a summary of Robert Nagle’s  teaching experience. Note: Classes taught between  1995-97 were in Albania with the Peace Corps; classes taught between  1997-8 were in Ukraine at the Volyn Institute (in conjunction with the Open Society Institute).

    Public School Teaching 

    Between 2014-5 I taught electives at a middle school in Houston I.S.D.*

    • Creative Writing class. For one semester, I taught Creative Writing to 6th/7th/8th graders about creative writing and creative thinking. Class size was 30-35 per class. (See class website)
    • Math Enrichment class. For one semester I taught an enrichment class to 6th/7th graders which used Think Through Math learning  application (now called Imagine Math). I tracked progress, set goals, did 1-on-1 tutoring and made enrichment material to spark enthusiasm in math. I managed a computer lab with about 40 Windows workstations and a printer. I did all technical support and troubleshooting for computer equipment.

    * After the school year, the position was eliminated in 2015 due to budget cuts.

    University Classroom Instruction (Semester Long)

    • English  for Special Purposes. Business English, English for Marketing & Tourism, English for Naval Engineering. (1995-8).
    • English Composition 1 (1995-6).
    • English Composition  2* . (1996).
    • American History* (1996).
    • Literary Theory *   (1996).
    • Linguistics (6 weeks only). 1995.
    • Advanced Conversational English (1996).
    • Contemporary American Letters. Taught 2 sections of undergraduates  at Johns Hopkins as part of my fellowship.  (1989-90)

    * Because of political problems in Albania between November 1996 and March 1997 (which eventually resulted in a military evacuation), I taught these classes for only about 10 weeks.

    Related documents: Peace Corps Albania Description of Service for Robert Nagle (PDF) and 1998 Recommendation Letter from Volyn Institute, Ukraine (PDF)



    • The Novel in 2050: Twitter vs. Tolstoy. Presented a panel at South by Southwest Interactive, Austin, 2010.
    • Resumes: Still Relevant? Presented at Freelancecamp Houston, (2009).
    • Optimize for Reading: The Art (and Science) of Presenting Content. Presented at Barcamp Houston, (2007).
    • Ebooks, Collaboration Tools and the Commercialization of Web Publishing. Emerson College graduate program for Publishing and Writing, (2007).
    • Ebooks, Textbooks and Digital Storytelling. video webcast, Greater Houston Education Collaboration, 2007.
    • Copyright, Technology and the Arts. 2004. Walden Internet Village. Panel Participant.
    • Visiting lecture series. I gave a series of lectures in universities around Ukraine on pedagogy, business topics and American culture.  (1998).
    • Cooking & Nutrition Class. Co-taught a 6 session class  about American cuisine. I taught entirely in Albanian.  (Peace Corps, Albania, 1996)
    • Applying to Graduate School (Albania, 1996).
    • TOEFL Test Preparation Mini-classes (Albania, 1996-7).



    • One Laptop per Child club. Started Saturday computer club for children under 10. (2008).
    • Debate Clubs. Organized high school debate clubs at two local high schools. Served as chaperone and faculty advisor.  (1996).
    • American English club. Created club for college students in Ukraine.  Although primarily social, this club provided lots of opportunities for students to practice English, learn about American culture and go on field trips. (1998)
    • Helped to start a college newspaper at my university (1997). Appointed editors, coordinated things with the university, helped with planning and logistics.

    Course Materials

    • Compiled booklet of song-based conversation/grammar lessons based on American pop songs  (1996)
    • Wrote a 30 page “white paper” for  the  department of foreign languages  that analyzed the school’s foreign language curriculum and proposed how to reorganize it (1997).
    • Prepared class handouts on various topics (many of which were distributed to teachers at workshops I organized)
    • Prepared role-playing games and learning simulations for business students
    • Selected and prepared an anthology of business articles for foreign language undergraduates
    • Wrote 2 step-by-step tutorials for Plone.org about creating content in Plone and managing Plone websites on Windows Server 2003 & Windows Server 2008.
    • Prepared 10 web screencasts on various topics with Adobe Captivate
    • Wrote online web tutorial for Dell manufacturing group about the OS installation/configuration process.
    • Wrote course material for training of Dell factory engineers